7 Most Common Webinar Myths Debunked

When you hear the word “webinar” how do you feel about it? What type of emotions are triggered?
For some entrepreneurs, hearing the word webinar might bring up positive feelings. They might think of leads, sales, and revenue growth. Not to mention, more clients and impact by selling more online courses and group coaching packages.
But for other entrepreneurs, hearing the word webinar might start to feel overwhelmed, anxious, not worth the time, etc. These individuals might have had a bad experience, been burned in the past (as a host or attendee) or never tried to run one before.
So who is right?
Well, I’ve been working in the webinar world for nearly a decade now and can say either entrepreneur can be right. For some, webinars have literally changed their life and business. For others, they’ve been a blip on the radar.
But I know this, the entrepreneurs who think of webinars as an integral part of their business tend to:
- Work fewer hours
- Make a lot more sales
- Generate tons of leads on autopilot
And most importantly, impact a ton of people with their brand and programs.
How Webinars Have Evolved

As I teased in the intro, I’ve been running webinars for a while. In fact, I’ve been running them since I left the real estate world and decided to take my passion of teaching others YouTube around 2010.
Back then, I had a course named “YouTube Revealed.” While the course was amazing, I couldn’t sell it if my life depended on it. I felt like the harder I tried to sell it to potential clients, the fewer units were actually sold.
It was a vicious cycle as I knew the course could change lives but people had to invest to get the results. What was even more frustrating was that I had spent nearly a year creating it (which I definitely don’t recommend by the way).
Needless to say, I was in dire need of a way to sell them consistently. Video sales letters, social media, and email marketing wasn’t enough.
It was at that time, I stumbled upon webinars thanks to a friend who was in the internet marketing world. He told me this was the latest and greatest way to connect with an audience at a high level and sell digital products.
So I gave it a shot, I figured, what else did I have to lose?
After quite a bit of trial and error, it started to work. Within my first year, I grew my email list to 14,000 people and earned a quarter million dollars in revenue.
Since then, I’ve been pretty much obsessed with webinars and founded EasyWebinar to help others find success too. While traditional sales webinars literally changed my life and business, there are still a ton of misconceptions about these even in 2020.
If you’ve ever been on the fence about webinars, I want to clear up some common myths so you can start using them in all areas of your business.
7 Webinar Myths

If you sell digital products, courses, coaching programs or services, and are looking for a predictable and consistent way to generate revenue and customers, it’s time to start with webinars.
But it’s not as simple as saying, “Just go do it.”
After working with thousands of people at EasyWebinar, I realize without the right mindset, it’s hard to convince people to get started. If you don’t understand webinars and how they work in the first place, it’s easy to procrastinate and neglect them.
If you’re still on the fence about running webinars or have some doubts, let’s cover some of the most common misconceptions.
Myth #1: Webinars Are Difficult to Run
If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs, you want to help people with your product or service but despise the tech side of things. From building a website, filming videos, or creating your digital course, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
Luckily, webinars are incredibly simple to run, even if you’re a beginner or don’t consider yourself a techie. I think this myth exists because in the past, it wasn’t very easy to run webinars and the process scared a lot of entrepreneurs away.
Oftentimes, you had to connect multiple pieces of software to make it all work together.
Now, with software platforms like EasyWebinar, it’s simple and easy to run your first webinar. All you need is a computer, microphone, and webinar software to get going.
Seriously, if you can film a video, then you can run a webinar. Click here to learn some tips to run your first webinar and make sure it converts.
Myth #2: Webinars Are Too Long

Another common misconception about running webinars is that most of them are too long and a lot of people won’t sit through the entire experience. This is a valid concern in a world where everyone is trying to get your attention 24/7/365. Most people can’t get through a conversation without scrolling through their email or social media.
But despite the population’s shortened attention span, webinars still keep people engaged for 45-60+ minutes. We even have users of EasyWebinar who run 120+ minute webinars and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars online.
This belief is 100% false. Just ask Amy Porterfield who regularly runs very long live webinars and generates massive amounts of revenue.
Don’t get me wrong, when people sign up to attend your webinar, you need to give them a reason to stick around. If attendees find the content repetitive or boring, they’ll jump off and you’ll have to work to get them to re-register.
But as long as your content is helpful and engaging, people will stick around longer than any method.
Myth #3: Webinars Are Only Good for Getting Sales
I’m going to come right out of the gates here and say FALSE.
Webinars are an amazing way to run all aspects of your online business regardless of your niche and industry.
You can use webinars to:
- Onboard new clients: When someone enrolls in your program, you can send them an automated webinar link to welcome them and create a clear success path for them.
- Run group coaching programs: Instead of using Zoom, use EasyWebinar to run your group coaching sessions. Plus, you can easily record them and repurpose in other parts of your marketing.
- Build your email list. The money is still in your list and webinars can help grow that more than ever. I got my first 14,000 subscribers from running webinars and Amy Porterfield now has 250,000+ loyal subscribers.
And tons of other strategies.
Plus, sales webinars are still the best way to sell your digital programs and shorten the sales cycle to help increase cash flow.
While I’m still 100% convinced that webinars are the best way to sell your digital products, they are good for so much more. The most successful EasyWebinar users use them in all aspects of their business as it allows them to automate, scale, and create change for their clients.
Myth #4: Webinars are Expensive

Webinar platforms like EasyWebinar aren’t free, but they aren’t expensive either.
Depending on which plan you choose, they are only $50-$150/month. If you sell a $1,000+ program using webinars, the entire year is paid in full.
Plus, since there is no revenue sharing with the webinar platform, this makes them one of the most affordable pieces of software for running your online business.
>>Click here to check out our multiple pricing options and find a plan that works for you.
Myth #5: Webinars Require Amazing Public Speaking Skills
I know from personal experience this is 100% false.
When I first started running, I was horrible at public speaking. In fact, I had almost zero confidence in my public speaking skills.
But you know what?
I just kept going and fought through my fear of public speaking. And that’s why I’ve been able to generate millions of dollars in revenue from webinars.
If you’re terrified of public speaking, webinars are one of the best things you can do to improve your skills. Thanks to running hundreds of webinars, I now speak on massive stages with tons of confidence.
Myth #6: Webinars Require A Huge Audience
Wrong, in fact, webinars build your audience and email list, unlike social media platforms.
To get people to attend your webinars, they first have to give their name and email address to sign up. So when you start running live and automated webinars, you’ll instantly build your list.
Meanwhile, social media doesn’t help you build a list at all. You’re at the mercy of these platforms and one bad day away from losing your following overnight.
Remember, every entrepreneur has to start at zero, but webinars can help you grow your list quickly to start getting your first paying customers.
Myth #7: Webinars Aren’t Relevant Anymore

Finally, you might even think that webinars aren’t relevant anymore since they’ve been around for so long.
When in reality, webinars have never been more powerful as they continue to evolve.
Webinars help entrepreneurs worldwide educate audiences, sell their products, and provide a full-service way to connect with customers. At EasyWebinar, we get the pleasure of working with all types of entrepreneurs and love to see them crush it using the power webinars.
Some of our highest performing users generate $20,000 per day using webinars! They are still very relevant and can play an integral role in growing your business.
Webinars have stood the test of time and can help your online business in more ways than you could imagine. Now that you’ve read about these myths, I hope they are all shattered once and for all.
Now, it’s time to jump in and start taking advantage of webinars so you can create more impact and income with your business. Don’t forget, there are people around the world who need your coaching, courses and consulting.
When you start using webinars, you can finally start getting the results you want (and deserve).
>>Check out Easy Webinar’s pricing here to find the best package for your business.