How Automated Webinars Can Give You 30% Conversion To Your Membership Sites

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you probably think of webinars as a way to sell high ticket digital products or coaching services. But what about using an automated webinar to sell membership sites or even a $50 digital product?
Most people skip over these lower priced items but there is a huge opportunity to use webinars to drastically increase your conversion rates. I’m talking about 50% conversion rates!
As hard it sounds to believe, it’s more than possible and actually a great way to use Easy Webinar.
In today’s post, we’ll share how Ryan Lee has used Easy Webinar to massively grow his membership site, increase conversions, and continue to impact people with his products and services.
Who is Ryan Lee?
Ryan is someone who has been around the online marketing industry for quite some time. He has been dominating the space for so long he started doing webinars before webinars were a thing but instead doing telesummits.
As webinars got started he decided to use his skills from speaking on stage to running webinars. He’s now been using them in various forms selling high ticket items all the way to $1 trial memberships. And he’s seen a massive amount of success.
Why Ryan Loves Using Webinars
As I mentioned, Ryan’s been in the online marketing game since 1999. Ryan loves webinars for their “edu-tainment” value. He loves that webinars allow for a combination of education and entertainment to participants.
He’s seen a lot of different products come and go but said that webinars are his number way to sell his products, services, and membership sites. Here are the biggest reasons he loves using Easy Webinar to massively grow his list and business.
1. Scalability Factor
As he said, automated webinars are working while you’re sleeping. There’s no need to do live webinars all day and burn yourself when you can take advantage of Easy Webinar automated software. Always try to find your best converting live webinar and turn it into your evergreen webinar.
2. Higher Conversions
One of the biggest, if not the biggest perks of webinars is the insanely high conversion rates. Ryan shoots for a minimum of 10% conversion but regularly gets 20 or 30% conversion as well. When compared to long-form sales letter or video sales letter at 1 or 2% it makes using webinars a no-brainer.
3. Builds a Better Relationship
Automated webinars are a win-win. Let’s say your conversion rates are 15%. Not only is that higher than 1% of traditional sales letters, but the other 85% are greatly benefiting from it at as well, even if they didn’t buy.
The 85% got to hear you and get to know you better. They get to see your personality. They feel like they know you better than a website landing page or video sales letter.
Plus, you got an email address for your list to further cultivate and build your tribe. This makes it easy to keep people in your funnels and eventually convert at a later date.
4. More Control of the Sales Process
Ryan notes that the old school method of getting affiliates, using SEO, and other methods is a much more difficult way to sell digital products. Instead, Ryan and so many other successes of Easy Webinar drive traffic through Facebook ads.
With webinars and paid ads, you’re in control of your business and don’t have to spend countless hours finding affiliates. Webinars allow you to control more of your business without depending on too many outside factors.
Ryan’s Keys to Success on Easy Webinar
Ryan has so many tips on using webinar it’s hard to pick just a few. Here are his biggest tips to help you get started:
1. Use Automated & Live Webinars
Ryan is a huge fan of live webinars. As he said, “If someone held a gun to my head and said you have to make as much money as you can on the internet, I’d run live webinars 24 hours per day.” Obviously, that’s a bit drastic but you get the point. Live webinars convert at extremely high rates.
But of course, the problem with live webinars is the scalability factor. Ryan now uses both live webinars and automated webinars to scale and impact more people.
One last thing Ryan notes… if you’re running an automated webinar don’t say it’s a live one. Customers are getting smarter and saying it’s live when it’s recorded instantly makes you not trustworthy by lying on your first interaction with the client. Be open and honest with your future clients.
***Easy Webinar is a streaming webinar so if someone does log in late they’ll enter at the point of the pre-recorded webinar.
2. Use Webinars to Sell Low Ticket Items
Most people think of only using webinars to sell high ticket coaching and courses. But Ryan debunks that myth by using webinars to sell his $30 per month membership site. He’s even used webinars to sell $1 trial memberships and converted 50% or more of participants.
3. Break Even When Acquiring Clients
Like some of the other success stories from Easy Webinar, Ryan says its so important to break even when acquiring new clients. He notes that it’s not important to make money off the front end funnel but simply getting them to see a Facebook ad, register, and sign up.
Run traffic to your webinar. Use Facebook ads and pay enough to acquire customers at a break-even spend rate. The key to scale and growth in your business is the ability to control your own traffic.
4. Keep Investing to Scale the Biz
Webinars can produce some serious cash in a short amount of time. It’s easy to want to go out and spend it all. But as he said, it’s important to continue reinvesting in the business.
Put some aside for taxes, save a little bit, and keep investing in the business. It’s the only way you’re going to get it to scale. Don’t go out and lease a Mercedes. You’re just losing out on potential customers.” – Ryan Lee
5. Constantly Test Webinars
Always test your webinars by making changes to the flow. Ryan notes that just adjusting the timing of a demo in his webinar increased his conversion from 12% to 22%. Never assume you’ve got it perfect the first time.
Keep testing and tweaking for better conversions. Once you find the best, turn that webinar into an automated one. But make sure to not get paralyzed with too much testing. Do something, put yourself out there and continue to make adjustments as you go.
Final Thoughts
As Ryan’s shown, there are countless ways of using both live and automated webinars to scale your business. With the type of conversion rates, it makes it easy to have people know, like, and trust you on your first interaction.
Plus, it’s a win-win situation for you and the participants who show up for your event. Even if they don’t buy from you they have learned more about you and your products. This trust factor will help them decide to purchase from you at a later date.